Nar-Anon Family Groups - for friends and families of addicts

Golden Gate Area

Help and Privacy Information for this Website

» top Privacy

This web­site does not col­lect any in­for­ma­tion. There are no forms to fill out. It does not in­clude any third-party el­e­ments.

If you fol­low the links from this web­site to an­other web­site, brows­ers usu­al­ly give the tar­get web­site the ad­dress of the page con­tain­ing the link. Some brows­ers may allow you to dis­able this action. Many web­sites with links to this web­site will track clicks on those links. Both of these actions are beyond the con­trol of this web­site.

If you con­tact us by the phone num­bers or email ad­dress­es given on this web­site, of course we will see your phone num­ber or email ad­dress, as well as any in­for­ma­tion in the con­tent of the email or voice­mail mes­sages. That in­for­ma­tion is re­cord­ed in the email serv­ers and other ser­vices we use and is pass­word-pro­tec­ted and encrypted during trans­mis­sion to our com­put­ers. It also exists on our per­son­al com­put­ers and mobile de­vices. We do not have a spe­cif­ic rou­tine pol­i­cy of de­let­ing it, but will delete that in­for­ma­tion if re­quest­ed, as much as is pos­si­ble. The con­tact in­for­ma­tion is not given out to any­one who is not a vol­un­teer in the Gold­en Gate Area of Nar-Anon Fam­ily Groups, un­less we are com­pel­led by sub­poe­na or search warrant to do so, or you permit us to for­ward your mes­sage to an­other part of Nar-Anon.

» top Layout

This web­site is de­sign­ed to be com­pat­ible with a wide var­i­ety of de­vices, and will auto­ma­tic­al­ly ad­just the lay­out to fit al­most every size of screen. The same pages are serv­ed to every de­vice, so asking to view the desk­top ver­sion will not make any dif­fer­ence. Older brows­ers might not be com­pat­ible with these auto­ma­tic fea­tures. More importantly, older brows­ers could have serious se­cu­ri­ty and pri­va­cy risks, so it is best to use a brows­er with a re­cent ver­sion.

While the latest ver­sions of most brows­ers on a large var­i­ety of de­vices should not have any prob­lems rendering this web­site, cer­tain brows­ers have some ad­vance fea­tures that pro­vide a bet­ter ex­per­i­ence than others. Brows­ers with­out these ad­vanced fea­tures can result in large emp­ty spaces in the middle of the page, if the screen is wide enough to sup­port two or more col­umns.

No con­tent is hid­den in the less ad­vanced brows­ers, but be aware that ad­di­tion­al con­tent might lie below the emp­ty spaces, which would re­quire you to scroll down fur­ther to view it. Un­for­tu­nate­ly, your brows­er does not sup­port these fea­tures, so you might find the emp­ty spaces in some of the pages.

» top HTTPS Secure Browsing

This web­site uses the HTTPS pro­to­col. This ensures that the con­tent of the web­site is not ma­li­cious­ly mod­i­fed during trans­mis­sion through in­se­cure chan­nels. HTTPS has be­come the usual pro­to­col for web­sites. How­ev­er, some older brows­ers are not com­pat­ible with the cer­tif­i­cates and en­cryp­tion al­go­rithms used for HTTPS by this web­site; in which case more cur­rent brows­ers are re­quir­ed to view this web­site.

While HTTPS also en­crypts the trans­mit­ted data, no per­son­al data is col­lect­ed from users of this web­site. Thus, HTTPS will only se­cure the pub­lic in­for­ma­tion dis­play­ed on each page. HTTPS does not, by it­self, hide the web ad­dress view­ed by a brows­er. The web ad­dress can be se­cur­ed against in­ter­cep­tion on the user's lo­cal net­work by con­nec­ting through a se­cure VPN or proxy.

» top Showing Details

The About Us and Meetings pages con­tain de­tails that are to be hid­den until they are clicked on to view the de­tails. With Ja­va­script disabled, all the de­tails will be visible all the time. To view those areas as intended, en­able Ja­va­script for this web­site.

» top Report a Problem with this Website

If this web­site not work­ing well on your de­vice, you may let us know by using the email ad­dress Please in­clude de­tail in­for­ma­tion about which page(s) have the prob­lem, what isn't work­ing, and a de­scrip­tion of your de­vice: man­u­fac­tur­er, model, op­er­a­ting sys­tem, and brows­er.